Friday, July 18, 2008

America, WTF again? More specifically, New Hampshire.

I know, I know, we're all getting tired of the "LOL America doesn't make sense" posts, but this is my last for a little while, I promise.

So, I was up in New Hampshire for the weekend. Now New Hampshire has no sales tax (Live Free or Die, and all that), so we went to a liquor store on the way back to pick up something delicious and cheap.

Of course I needed ID, and handed over my Massachusetts Liquor ID, which states that I'm of legal age to get my booze on.

And they wouldn't accept it. They'd take a Mass driver's license, or a Mass non-driver's license (which Mass doesn't actually offer), but they won't take the designated ID saying I'm old enough to drink.

WTF New Hampshire, WTF?

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