Tuesday, January 29, 2008

San Francisco!

Well folks, I'm now in San Francisco. It's a really nice city so far, and wonderfully mild in the dead of winter. I've  been charmed to point where it's now in competition for where I might end up.

Onwards with the pictures! Though the day was grey and shit, so it's pretty hard to see in some of them.

I rather like the quote in the first one.

I wish I lived in the Empress of China

Billy and Jimmy Lee will pummel you into relaxation! And I'm guessing not all of you will understand why this is funny.

This building isn't actually that tall, it's a pyramid. Which fools your brain into thinking it stretches upwards much more than it does.

Oooh, scientologists! February 10th. They'll get what's coming to them.

Golden Gate bridge, way out in the mists!



Delicious sourdough crabs! Now you can enjoy getting crabs!

Not actually a strip club. A real club, just called Bimbo's 365.

Crazy ass cubist water sculpture.

This place was amazing. It was full of boutique food places. Two chocolatessens, a cheese maker, wine stores, local meats, a caviar café, a mushroom place. And it just kept going. I could have spent a fortune here.

The cheese place. So tempting!

The only food I bought? Quite good, but not amazing chocolate.

Finally, well, just read the sign.


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